W & W Productions Pro Rodeo
First off full disclosure; I don’t support the treatment these animals receive at rodeos. However, the backstory for why I chose to snap some shots here stems from the fact that I grew up and lived in South Carolina for the first 22 years of my life and never once saw a rodeo. I would often see signs for rodeo events, as is expected when living in a southern rural area. The event was free, so I figured I’ll grab my camera and see what the fuss was all about that is such a staple event in the south. I was rooting for the horses to kick their handlers teeth in.
Lighting was atrocious. First few shots I attempted to use a Canon telephoto 400mm lens, but the max f4 aperture wasn’t giving me a ton of light to work with, considering how fast the riders moved. I later switched to a 55mm f1.8 Sony Native lens, which was easier to work with in the light and autofocus but required me to get much closer to the horses bucking near the parameter.